“The Euphonious is a group of seasoned music professionals who offer live harp performances to add a wonderful ambience to your event”.
The Euphonious has played for more than 100 events and weddings since founded in 2004, serving international mega brands such as Cartier, Chaumet, Bentley Motors, Citibank, Standard Chartered Bank, DBS Bank, HKTDC, the Consulate of Sweden, Germany Tourism Board, etc. In 2013, we were invited to give a solo performance to the Queen of Belgium during her visit to Hong Kong.
With our passion towards the harp, we launched a sub-brand Good Harpternoon by the Euphonious in 2016, presenting our own designed harpist-themed merchandizes and art events.
「The Euphonious 是一群經驗豐富的專業音樂家,提供豎琴演奏,為你的活動添上優雅氣氛。」
The Euphonious於2004年創立,是一個香港豎琴表演品牌,已為超過100場宴會及婚禮獻奏。我們曾為多個國際大型品牌表演,當中包括卡地亞珠寶、尚美巴黎珠寶、賓利汽車、花旗銀行、渣打銀行、星展銀行、香港貿易發展局、瑞典領事館、德國旅遊局等。2013年比利時皇后來港訪問時,我們更獲邀作獨奏演出。
憑著對豎琴的熱情,我們更於2016年創立了Good Harpternoon by the Euphonious,推出自家設計的豎琴主題精品及藝術活動。
Miss Jadie Cheuk is one of the most popular harpists in Hong Kong. Ms. Dan Yu, the renowned World Harp Champion, has described Jadie’s playing as “musical, charming and sensitive”.
Jadie is the 1st Prize Winner of the 2017 New York Golden Classical Music Awards (Strings Division), the 1st Prize Winner of the 2014 French International Harp Competition (Superieur Division), and the Gold Medal Winner of the 2010 Hong Kong Harp Competition (Open Division). In 2013, Jadie was invited to give a solo performance to the Queen of Belgium during her visit to Hong Kong. Jadie’s music has also been broadcasted on TVB, RTHK, Commercial Radio and Metro Radio.
Jadie holds with distinction an Associate Diploma (ATCL) in Harp Recital awarded by the Trinity College London and has been actively performing for over 15 years. She is a Music Master graduate from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and is now a full-time performing harpist and a harp teacher.
Jadie乃2017年紐約Golden Classical Music Awards(弦樂組)冠軍得主、2014年法國國際豎琴比賽(高級組)冠軍得主、及2010年香港國際豎琴比賽(公開組)金獎得主。2013年比利時皇后來港訪問時,Jadie獲邀作獨奏演出。Jadie亦多次獲邀到香港無綫電視、香港電台、商業電台、新城電台等接受訪問及演奏。